Campus Compact Affordable Housing Affinity Network Registration

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The Campus Compact Affordable Housing Affinity Network is a community of higher education professionals with an interest in exploring how higher education anchor institutions can positively contribute to addressing the affordable housing crisis in the U.S.  Participants will collectively explore emerging research and promising solutions, discuss and dive into challenges including higher education’s role in the crisis, and support one another in developing and implementing strategies. 

Affordable Housing Network Activities: 
  • Active List-serve with regular exchanges amongst members, facilitated by Campus Compact’s Affordable Housing Fellow Tony Sorrentino 
  • Coaching salons where members get direct feedback and advice on their strategies, challenges, and approaches 
  • Five network webinars that highlight promising work and experts 
  • Ongoing updates (and ability to contribute) to the Affordable Housing Knowledge Hub
  • In-person meet-up during Compact25 in Atlanta, Georgia

The Affordable Housing Affinity Network, like all Campus Compact affinity networks, is open to faculty, staff, and administrators at active Campus Compact member institutions.  If you are interested in exploring joining Campus Compact please contact our membership engagement team at
Institutional Look-Up

Use the State/Province and College/University fields below to look up your institution. You must start with your institution's State/Province. 

Choose the correct Institutional Affiliation from the dropdown. If not listed, select "Not Listed" and type the name in the dialogue box that appears below.

An active membership in Campus Compact is required in order to participate in the Affordable Housing Affinity Network.
Institutional Profile

Non-Member Institution
It looks like your organization is not currently a member of Campus Compact. Membership is required to participate in the Affordable Housing Affinity Network.

Reach out to the Membership team at to discuss how membership can support you and your campus community. 

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Personal Information

Affinity Network Questions