2025 Impact Award Nomination

The Campus Compact Impact Awards recognize outstanding faculty, staff,  teams, and Presidents at academic institutions for their transformational leadership in advancing the public purposes of higher education.

Please use this form to nominate a colleague for an award. After your nomination is received, the nominee will be invited to submit their application materials. Self nominations can skip this form and proceed directly to the application portal linked on our website. The timeline is listed below.
  • August 22 - nominations and application portal open
  • September 30 - nominations close
  • October 31 - application submission deadline for nominees
  • December 13 - recipients are notified
Please contact ephaup@compact.org with questions.
Nominator's Information
Nominator's Institutional Look-Up

Choose the correct Institutional Affiliation from the dropdown. If not listed, select "Not Listed" and type the name in the dialogue box that appears below.

Nominator's Information

Nominee's Information
Nominee's Institutional Look-Up

Choose the correct Institutional Affiliation from the dropdown. If not listed, select "Not Listed" and type the name in the dialogue box that appears below.

Non-Member Institution

Nominee's Information