Campus Climate Action Corps Host Site Application

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Application Overview

Thank you for your interest in hosting a Campus Climate Action Corps (CCAC) AmeriCorps team through Campus Compact for the 2024-2025 program year!

Campus Climate Action Corps (CCAC) is a Campus Compact initiative that builds the capacity of campuses and their community partners to create change that leads to increased energy efficiency and improvements for at-risk ecosystems by implementing local solutions for underserved households and communities.

CCAC believes that colleges and universities are uniquely positioned to prepare communities for climate change’s most immediate impacts. At the core of every college and university lies a powerhouse of innovation, research, and multidisciplinary solutions. Campus Climate Action Corps host sites are not merely institutions of higher learning; but are or have the potential to be vanguards of sustainability, helping to lead the charge in the fight against climate change.

Before completing this CCAC Host Site Application, please carefully review the Request for Proposals. Please refer back to the RFP while completing this application.

Individuals wishing to draft their responses in a word processor before submitting them via this required electronic form may find it helpful to download this document overview of the application questions. However, all applications must be submitted via this electronic form.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this application. If accepted, this application will serve as a framework for the service term and will provide your CCAC AmeriCorps member(s) with a strong foundation to build upon.

If you have any questions, please reach out to CCAC Program Director, Sally Slovenski, at
College/University Look-Up

Choose the correct College/University from the dropdown. If not listed, or if primary applicant is a nonprofit or government agency, select "Not Listed" and type the name in the dialogue box that appears below.

College/University Information

Please complete the following information about the college/university host site.

Primary Applicant Information
As the primary applicant, please enter your information. 


Member Selection
How many of each of the following types of AmeriCorps members do you wish to host? See section 3D of the RFP.

Host Site Fee
The standard fee for hosting a member for the 2024-2025 program year is:
  • $6,000 per FT member
  • $4,500 per TQT member
  • $3,000 per HT member
See Section 5A of the RFP for more information and for non-member institution rates.

Limited financial scholarships may be available for qualifying host organizations, based on organizational size, budget, and community need, and may reduce the host contribution amount.

Minimum-time Members

Program Design

This section asks you to describe your readiness and plans for meeting CCAC program requirements across its program areas. CCAC awards AmeriCorps members to host sites at varying levels of readiness and hopes to provide host sites with the capacity to grow their projects over program years and ensure the sustainability of their projects.

Please review Section 3 of the RFP carefully.

You will be prompted to share information about meeting expectations for CCAC's standardized program activities and for campus-identified/campus-focused projects. 

Host sites are expected to design and implement projects in which at least 50% of service activities completed by the host site’s AmeriCorps team fall under CCAC’s standardized program activities, benefiting the local community.
CCAC Program Areas
While CCAC provides the framework for the service activities that are implemented by members, host sites are expected to provide ongoing support and direction to members as to how to implement that framework in the campus/community area. 

As described in the CCAC Host Site RFP, host sites with a Full-time member are typically expected to meet the following benchmarks per site for CCAC's standardized program activities:

Energy Efficiency: 40 basic home assessments in underserved households, 30 households receive a low-tech intervention, 20 households referred to weatherization or energy assistance programs

Ecosystem Health: 1 community-based project improving an at-risk ecosystem

Education & Public Awareness: 2 community education events
Which of the 3 CCAC Program Areas do you plan to engage in?

As you make your selection(s), please note that:
  • Sites with at least 1 FT member are generally expected to focus on all 3.
  • Sites with at least 1 TQT or HT member are generally expected to focus on at least 2.
  • Sites with only MT members are generally expected to focus on at least 1.

Program Area 1: Energy Efficiency

Program Area 2: Ecosystem Health

Program Area 3: Education & Public Awareness

Community Partnerships
To align with CCAC’s community involvement expectations, host sites are expected to develop a community partnership with at least one nonprofit and/or state/local/tribal government entity. The community partner must be meaningfully engaged in at least one of the CCAC Program Areas, and the CCAC AmeriCorps member(s) must provide the community partner with capacity-building services, as defined in Section 3B of the RFP.

Leveraging Volunteers
As a national service program, AmeriCorps State and National sets expectations that all AmeriCorps members promote volunteerism as part of their service. Therefore, host sites are expected to involve community and student volunteers in the development and implementation of CCAC’s program activities, as described in Section 3B of the RFP.

Organizational Capacity

Member Support

Additional Information

By my signature below, I certify the information I provided on and in connection with this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that any false statements or deliberate omissions on this form will result in my application being rejected and may impact my organization's eligibility for future opportunities. 

Additionally, I certify that our organization is committed to providing the nonrefundable Campus Compact AmeriCorps program fee upon placement of the AmeriCorps member(s) with my site.